Monitoring and reporting

Monitoring and reporting

Last updated 8 April 2019
Last updated 8 April 2019

This page provides information about tertiary education organisations' (TEOs') reporting on Intensive Literacy and Numeracy (ILN) delivery, and our monitoring of their performance.

TEOs with an indicative allocation of ILN funding submit a completed mix of provision (MoP) template to us via Workspace2. We approve the MoP through the Investment Plan (Plan) approval process.

We monitor TEOs’ reported delivery against these commitments and other requirements and expectations that we set TEOs.


See the following conditions for ILN reporting and delivery volume requirements.

Templates for the two progress and one final report are made available for TEOs on Workspace 2 for completion and submission by the due dates.

The reports relate to the specific delivery commitments outlined in the Plan. The reports cover the funded calendar year; they are cumulative and build on the information supplied in the previous reporting period for the funding year. After a progress report has been submitted, it will be released back to you for further data entry (i.e. the cumulative information).


Only learner attended, face-to-face tuition is to be reported.


We monitor TEO performance and practices to understand TEO performance in the sector, and to inform our decisions about future funding a TEO may receive.

We monitor TEO:

  • achievement of MoP delivery commitments
  • compliance with ILN funding conditions and legislative requirements, and
  • achievement of other expectations that we communicate to TEOs.

Compliance with funding conditions

Monitoring compliance with funding conditions includes but is not limited to:

Evidence of improving learner literacy and numeracy skills as measured using the Assessment Tool may also be considered by us as part of measuring performance.

Hours of delivery

We monitor TEOs’ average hours of face-to-face tuition per learner as well as what proportion and how many learners receive:

  • between 80 and 300 hours of face-to-face tuition, and
  • less than 80, or more than 300, hours of face-to-face tuition. We expect these numbers to be few when compared to the TEO’s total ILN learner count.

Intensity of delivery

We monitor TEOs’ average intensity of face-to-face tuition per learner per week as well as what proportion and how many learners receive:

  • five to 20 hours of face-to-face tuition per week, and
  • less than five or more than 20 hours of face-to-face tuition per week.

Defining the learner cohort for a performance year

To calculate the learner cohort for a funding year we use the following steps.

1. For each NSN:

I.   Identify multiple enrolments for the same learner that have a gap between enrolments of less than 90 days.
II.  Combine these into a single enrolment for that learner (if the gap is 90 days or more, we consider the later enrolment as a new enrolment for the learner).
III. For intensity of delivery, subtract the gap periods from the overall enrolment period to calculate the number of weeks of the enrolment.

2. Count all enrolments ending in the funding year (regardless of when the enrolment began).

We use the cohort to determine funding year performance data for monitoring, including but not limited to:

  • hours of delivery per learner
  • intensity of delivery per learner, and
  • Assessment Tool usage. See Assessment Tool information for detailed information.

For example:

Funding Year ILN enrolment period at the TEO Data counted in performance year
2015 A learner is eligible and enrols in an ILN programme in July 2015, withdrawing in September 2015. 2015
2016 The same learner is eligible and enrols in an ILN programme at the same TEO in July 2016 ... 2017
2017 ... withdrawing in March 2017.
The same learner is eligible and re-enrols in the same (or a different) ILN programme at the same TEO in May 2017, withdrawing in June 2017.

Note: For year n performance, if a learner has enrolled in year n+1, with less than 90 days between the year n and year n+1 enrolments, steps 1 and 2 will not be applied to the year n+1 enrolment. This is because performance data for year n is calculated before the first year n+1 progress report showing enrolments is received. Steps 1 and 2 will be applied to:

  • year n and earlier data for year n performance, and
  • year n+1 and earlier data for year n+1 performance.