Completing your August 2024 SDR

Completing your August 2024 SDR

Last updated 15 July 2024
Last updated 15 July 2024

Here’s what you need to know to submit your August 2024 Single Data Return (SDR) – including important new changes to the SDR.

Dates for submitting your August 2024 SDR

The August SDR round begins on 8 August 2024 and is due at 5.00pm on 21 August 2024.

Please submit your August 2024 return any time on or between these dates.

7 August 2024 Extract date for the August 2024 SDR
8 August SDR round opens
21 August SDR round closes

Resources and support

To help you complete your return, see the Single Data Return Manual 2024 v1.2.

Single Data Return Manual 2024 v1.2 Ministry of Education 

There is more support for you:

Changes to course classification codes (CCCs)

Please see the Delivery Classification Guide.

Delivery Classification Guide (PDF 1 MB)

  • New CCC 42.0 Mātauranga Māori and Te Reo Māori added for 2024 onwards.
  • CCCs 40.0 and 41.0 are being retired from 2024.
  • New Funding Category W1-W4 for the new CCC 42.0 from 2024.